NEW ADDITION TO THE PRESTIGIOUS ABBA MATERNAL MERIT AWARD. 364 HAS PRODUCED 3 DAUGHTERS THAT ARE ALSO MATERNAL MERIT COWS. Senior herd sire. Female making machine. Lots of pigment, breed character, volume and capacity. Very consistent looking calves. Weighs around 1,950 lbs. at turn out every year. Under 6 frame score. Gentleness score of 1+. Also dam was a very long lasting fertile cow that weaned her last calf at 17 years of age. 364s current EPD profile shows him having 10 traits in the top 50 % of the breed.
Additional pictures are of 2 sons that are being used as Registered Herd Sires.
With the move of ABBAs EPDs to a more realistic computation 364s EPDs have adjusted as well to the better. EPDs as of 9/29/19 BW +0.5, WW +12.9, YW +29.2, Milk 10.0, $Bull 54.64 and Queen +25.00. SEMEN available domestically only.